ETSI Acknowledgment Policy

Version: 0.3  (04-12-2024)

Authored by: Nicolas A. Karakatsanis

Approved by: ETSI Consortium

  1. The Emission Tomography Standardization Initiative (ETSI) acknowledges individuals and groups thereof who have made contributions to its mission by participating either (i) to the ETSI consortium, as defined in the following paragraph (par. 2), or (ii) to specific ETSI-affiliated events (e.g., hackathons/challenges) outside the consortium. 
  2. Every person is considered to be Member of the ETSI Consortium if they have an academic or industry affiliation and have attended at least one of the ETSI general meetings and have accepted to be members of the ETSI Consortium.
  3. The ETSI Consortium members who have actively contributed to the initial conception and/or formulation of ETSI’s main objective for standardization of emission tomography raw data are considered as “founding members” of this consortium.
  4. All ETSI Consortium members are grouped into the following major teams: leadership, core members and general members.
    • The Leadership team includes the members of the ETSI Consortium that are leaders or co-leaders of each working sub-group in the following order: General group, Data Elements, Data Container, Use Cases and Outreach.
    • The Core Members team includes all persons that are not members of the Leadership team and who are either founding members or are active members of at least one of the consortium sub-groups as demonstrated by attending the respective working sub-group meetings.
    • The Past Members team include all people that were in the past members of any of the Consortium teams but have stated that they are no longer active members.
    • The General Members team includes all the ETSI Consortium members that do not belong to the “Leadership”, “Core Members” or “Past Members” teams.
  5. The teams denoted as “nth  ETSI Hackathon Developers”, where n denotes the index of the hackathon event (i.e., 1-st, 2nd, etc.), includes all persons with an academic or industry affiliation that have actively participated in the respective nth hackathon event. The members of the hackathon-related teams are independent from the ETSI Consortium entries: a member of any nth ETSI Hackathon developers’ team may not automatically be considered as member of the ETSI consortium, and vice-versa a member of the ETSI consortium may not automatically be considered as member of any nth ETSI Hackathon Developers’ team.
  6. All members of the same type (e.g., core members or general members) and role (e.g., co-leaders of a specific sub-group or co-organizers of a specific event) are sorted alphabetically in (A-Z) order based on the member’s last name.
  7. The entry format for each member is as follows: Fist-Name Last-Name, List of Affiliated Institution(s) and City, State(if applicable), Country thereof.
  8. Each of the listed members of any of the teams can be included as individual (co-)authors in any type of ETSI-related publications.
  9. The following group authors to be considered for ETSI-related publications are defined:
    • All members of the ETSI Consortium can be included under the definition of a group author with the identifier “ETSI Consortium”.
    • All members of any of the nth ETSI Hackathon Developers teams under the definition of a group author using the identifier “nth ETSI Hackathon Developers”. 
    • All members of the ETSI Consortium or any of the nth ETSI Hackathon Developers teams that have contributed to a particular version X.X of an ETSI data format with identifier “Data_Format_Name” (e.g., PETSIRD) can be included under the definition of a group author with the identifier “Data_Forrmat_Name v.X.X Developers”.
  10. Each “group author” defined in article 9, or any combinations thereof, can be included in ETSI-related publications, if they have made contribution to that publication as a group, or combinations thereof, respectively.
  11. The list of names and affiliations of all members of each group author defined in article 9 must be publicly available in the website.
  12. Any ETSI-related publication that includes any of the group authors defined in article 9 must reference the public list of authors (names and their affiliations) associated with that group author.
  13. Any of the members of the above group authors may also be separately listed as individual authors in ETSI-related publications in addition to any listed group authors, if they have a special role in that publication that justifies their separate inclusion as individual authors.
  14. The authorship order among all individual and group authors will be determined based on their relevant contributions to each publication. Individual members with equal contributions may be listed in alphabetical order.