Welcome to ETSI

The Emission Tomography Standardization Initiative (ETSI) was founded in 2022 from an international working group consortium comprised of nuclear medicine physics and imaging experts from academia and industry to introduce new standardized formats for Emission Tomography preclinical and clinical raw data (list-mode, sinograms/histograms etc.), mainly for Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and planar imaging.

ETSI has been initiated and continuously supported by the Physics, Instrumentation & Data Sciences Council (PIDSC) of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI).

The members roster of the initiative can be found in the ETSI Consortium’s page.

The initiative goals are to define an open, extendable, standardized and vendor-agnostic description of nuclear medicine imaging (PET/SPECT) list-mode and associated raw data; define a standard for storage and transmission of that data; and develop a standardized description of software to access and manipulate the standardized data, as well as prototype software. Trade-offs considered include:

  • Ease of reading/understanding/application
  • Storage requirements
  • Future proofing
  • Allowing vendors to innovate while protecting intellectual property.

More specifically, the proposed PET and SPECT raw data standardized formats, as determined by the proceedings of ETSI, are to be referred to as PET Standardization Initiative’s Raw Data (PETSIRD) and SPECT Standardization Initiative’s Raw Data (SPECTSIRD) formats, respectively.

ETSI is being pursued as an opportunity for academia and industry to cooperatively expand the capacity of the future nuclear medicine physics and imaging sciences field by facilitating the development of open-source software interface that harness the most of the valuable information available nowadays in the raw data acquired by state-of-the-art PET, SPECT and other Emission Tomography scanners.

The developing emission tomography raw data standard and associated software development kit (SDK) to sustain the use of the data formats can be found at ETSI’s GitHub public repository.

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